Answers to your frequently asked questions. 

We will try to use a service that delivers your product between 6-10 days from the day of purchase. You will receive an email letting you know when to expect your pack!

We guarantee our packs to be free of defects other than those that may appear over time from normal wear and tear. We also guarantee them to be perfectly built for their specific purpose as carrying containers for limited weight. Please, remember that because of the textiles we use, some parts of your pack may be irregular. We don’t consider this a defect, but part of the uniqueness of our product.

We offer a 30 day money back warranty.

As of now, we only ship to North America: Canada, United States, and Mexico

Since we are a small company, we can’t afford the expense of shipping a pack back and forth. It is a quicker, more user-friendly solution overall to only accept returns. This helps ensure users that they can get the right size, color, or style quicker than an exchange. You can start the return process by writing us to sales@andeanblue.com. 

One of the questions we are asked often is about the nature of our logo. In the Andean cosmovision, the universe is mostly divided in three realms (named in Quechua here, for simplicity): The Hananpacha or sky/heaven, represented by the Kuntur (condor), the Kaypacha or earth/ground, represented by the Atuq (fox) and the Hurinpacha or underground, represented by the Amaru or Machukuay (serpent). Since we consider ourselves explorers of the outdoors, we chose the curious and wandering Atuq (fox) as our symbol.

The style of our logo was inspired by the iconography of different Andean cultures.

You can cancel your order as long as it hasn’t shipped. If the pack is on its way, we encourage you to give it a try before returning it. We really hope you fall in love with it.

As of now, we accept credit cards (we use a service called Stripe) and Paypal.

The backpacks are designed in California by the owner and founder of the company. The textiles are all made in Peru (by friends of the owner and founder). The backpacks themselves, as of now, are assembled in China.

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